Sunday, June 27, 2010

Munny in the Jungle

Okay, so as I said in the post before, I was kicking Captain Crunch's butt, BUT (ahaha butt followed by but EHEHEHEHE) GUESS WHO HAD TO SPOIL THE FUN?! THE DARN TRIX RABBIT AND THE DARN KIDS THAT ALWAYS STALK HIM. :[ "No silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!" You know what kids? I'll get that Lucky Charms leprechaun to chase YOU and see how YOU feel being chased. Geez. Well anyway, after that I just went back home. All it takes is a rabbit and stalker kids to ruin your fun. Sheesh. Went home and when I woke up, WORLD CUP WAS ON!!!! Poor Beckham. You poor fellow. Couldn't join in the fun with your red uniform buddies. Had fun screaming with Mom and Dad. I also cheered on the inside because some of those soccer players had EXTREMELY wonderful noses. I just love the structure and how the green grass just really brings out their NOSE. Ehehe, I wonder what they look like when they pick their nose....Does their nose get bigger after that? Hmmmm. After, me and Nau washed the car. WHEEEEEEEE!!!!! Great fun. Soaped up the car really good and "accidentally" sprayed Nau with the hose. :] After that, Dad came home with PHONES TO CLEAN! YAY! That was exciting. Used the toothbrush to get the stubborn dust particles out, so on so forth. Very complicated process. After that, I ate and worked on some Geo. Then took a mini nap with Nau and woke up to go the market with Mommy. Then came home ate took a shower AND HERE I AM! Missing everyone! I'm glad I made you smile Chi Tina, and Anh Quoc admit it. I bet I made you crack up. :]

P.S. I'm headed off to a sleepover at Hana's house soon! GET READY TO RUMBLE WITH THE CHICKENNSSS!

P.S. 2 This time, I went to Switzerland and stole chocolate. Then I came running back home and of all people, an oompaloompa was chasing me. Great, just great. Tell more soon! :]


  1. first off, grosss to "wonder what they look like when they pick their nose" (this one's not as gross as watery farts...but still...gross..) Anyways, love your beginning. had a fun cartoon animation playing in my head when I was reading it true about those darn kids chasing the trix rabbit...i mean seriously though, how would you feel if you were stalked and prevented from eating your cereal!?!?! so wrong...hahaha

    oh and p.s. MUNNY MMUNY HA-HA!! <3

  2. love your posts Mun!! now that u mentioned it... i feel really bad the trix rabbit dude. oh, first day of term 3 is going well. gotta go grocery shopping now. tata mon amour.

  3. grocery shopping?! You ate all your food already?!?! I know you're a pig but man....hahaha jk Glad your first day is going well!

  4. hahhaha. i'm saving the goodies for exams.. :P
    so this is how we communicate now? thru Munny's Funny Bloggy :)
