Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Munny in the Boing Boing!

FIRST OFF: CONGRATULATIONS CHI TINA! LET'S BOUNCE ON TOILETS TOGETHER! BOING BOING BOING! ehehehe. Oh no! You're not supposed to fall in the toilet Chi Tina!!! ;D ..Man, you're wetter than Anh Ti when I drenched him in water. AHAHAHA! SUCKER!
SECOND OFF: YOU BET my randomness could cure cancer! Next thing you know, I'll get a Nobel Peace Prize for CURING CANCER! LIFE LIST TIME!
THIRD OFF: Thank you, you guys (in a Munny accent). I love you two. :]
FOURTH OFF: Chi Tina, of course I will help you with your bitter city project. ;D I got tons of ideas. ^__^

Alright, now my excitedness tinglys deflated enough for me to talk about Ninja Munny vs. The Peas. Alright. So I was wearing a BEE-YOO-TI-FUL beehive on my head and I was licking the scrumptious honey just drooling around me. And all of a sudden, MR. AND MRS. POTATO HEADS' KIDS WENT UP TO ME! Those peas got out of..of...OF THEIR ZIPPY SLEEPING BAG AND THEY WERE ALL LIKE, WE GOTTA HAVE THE HONEY 'CAUSE WE'RE ROUNDDD! And I said, "NO WAY JOSE! YOU GOTTA PASS MY APPLE JUICE CANAL TO MAKE IT!" SO THEN SO THEN SO THEN I took out my pair of boxers from the picnic basket, UNBUTTONED THE "AIR VENTILATION" PART AND OUT POPPED AN APPLE JUICE CANAL! Then the Peas said, "WHOA BABY!" And I said, "NO! NO! NO! NOT WHOA BABIES! IT'S WHOA MAMAS!" Then they shidoodled up to my canal and were like, "NEVERMIND. LOLZ. LOLZ. LOLZ." Then I said, "WUAHAHAHA!" and ran away. The End.

My Day:
So, I woke up. Then I checked my e-mail and LEADERSHIP ACCEPTANCE! :] Weeheehee. :] You like my new word? I started bouncing and screaming and jumped with Nau and ran to my Mom and screamed and went on the phone and told my dad and laughed and BOINGED ALL OVER THE PLACE. Then crammed in Geometry from "Geometry for Dummies". Then went to Kumon to register, got homework, and went home and here I am. Not too much today. Mostly math, math, math. My head's going to burst...like starbursts...like the yellow ones...MADE OUT OF PEE! STARBURST PEE! EHEHEHEHE! SOLD AT STARBUCKS. Oh how I love you imagination. :]

P.S. Next story: Munny and the North Pole

1 comment:

  1. love how every time I read your post, I can respond like this GRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! hahahaha Now I'm gonna think starburst pee whenever I eat the yellow ones. ahahahaha. and your Ninja Munny vs The peas story....one word: grossssssssssss! AHAHAHAHA love it nonetheless :)
